Swift Codes for banks in Gomel, Belarus

Bank NamePostal CodeCitySwift
'Bank Moscow-Minsk' Jsc 246017 Gomel MMBNBY21275
Bank Belveb Ojsc 246050 Gomel BELBBY21213
Belarusbank - Gomel AKBBBY21302
Belarusbank - Gomel AKBBBY21300
Belinvestbank Jsc 246050 Gomel BLBBBY2XGOM
Belorussian-Russian Belgazprombank Joint Stock 246032 Gomel OLMPBY21758
Priorbank - Gomel PJCBBY2XGML
Bank NamePostal CodeCitySwift
Showing 1 to 7 of 7 entries