Qatar Swift Codes (BIC Codes)

Bank NamePostal CodeCitySwift
Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank 8147 Doha ABDIQAQAXXX
Ahli Bank Qsc 2309 Doha ABQQQAQAXXX
Ahli Bank Qsc - Doha ABQQQAQAMER
Ahli Bank Qsc - Doha ABQQQAQAAIR
Ahli Bank Qsc - Doha ABQQQAQADNB
Al Dar For Exchange Works - Doha AFEWQAQAXXX
Al Khalij Commercial Bank - Doha KLJIQAQAXXX
Al Zaman Exchange W.L.L 23497 Doha ALZAQAQAXXX
Alfardan Exchange Llc - Doha AFXQQAQAXXX
Aljazeera Exchange Company - Doha AEXCQAQAXXX
Arab Bank Plc - Doha ARABQAQAXXX
Arab Bank Plc - Doha ARABQAQATSU
Arab Bank Plc - Doha ARABQAQASAD
Arab Bank Plc 172 Doha ARABQAQAINV
Arab Bank Plc 172 Doha ARABQAQACTU
Arab Bank Plc 172 Doha ARABQAQATRO
Arab Bank Plc - Doha ARABQAQARD3
Arab Jordan Investment Bank (Qatar) Llc 37563 Doha AJIBQAQAXXX
Bank Audi Llc - Doha AUDBQAQAXXX
Barwa Bank 27778 Doha BRWAQAQAXXX
Blom Bank Qatar Llc 27700 Doha BLOMQAQAXXX
Bnp Paribas - Doha BNPAQA21XXX
Bnp Paribas, Doha - Doha BNPAQAQAXXX
Boc Ltd Qatar Financial Centre Branch West Bay WEST BAY Doha BKCHQAQAXXX
Citibank N.A. - Doha CITIQAQAXXX
City Exchange Co. W.L.L 16081 Doha CECQQAQ1XXX
Dlala Brokerage Llc 24571 Doha DLBOQAQAXXX
Doha Bank - Doha DOHBQAQAXXX
Doha Bank - Umm Said DOHBQAQAUSB
Doha Bank - Doha DOHBQAQAWBB
Doha Bank - Doha DOHBQAQAMSB
Doha Bank - Dukhan DOHBQAQADKB
Doha Bank - Doha DOHBQAQASRB
Doha Bank - Doha DOHBQAQADIS
Doha Securities Market 22114 Doha DSMDQAQAXXX
First Abu Dhabi Bank Pjsc (Formerly National Bank Of Abu Dhabi) - Qfc Branch - Doha FGBMQAQAXXX
Gsi Qatar Fc Branch - Doha GSQBQAQ1XXX
Gulf Exchange Company - Doha GLECQAQAXXX
Gulf Investment Group 974 Doha GUIRQAA1XXX
Gulf Investments Group 974 Doha GUIRQAQ1XXX
Hsbc Bank Middle East Limited 27 Doha BBMEQAQXXXX
Icici Bank Limited (Qfc Branch) 24708 Doha ICICQAQAXXX
Icici Bank Limited (Qfc Branch) 24708 Doha ICICQAQACOP
Icici Bank Limited (Qfc Branch) 24708 Doha ICICQAQATMO
Icici Bank Limited (Qfc Branch) 24708 Doha ICICQAQAGTS
Industrial And Commercial Bank Of China, Limited 11217 Doha ICBKQAQACLR
Industrial And Commercial Bank Of China, Limited 11217 Doha ICBKQAQAXXX
International Bank Of Qatar (Q.S.C.) - Doha IBOQQAQAXXX
International Financial Securities Co. - Doha ITFSQAQ1XXX
Islamic Financial Securities Company - Doha IFSOQAQ1XXX
Bank NamePostal CodeCitySwift
Showing 1 to 50 of 85 entries