South Korea Swift Codes (BIC Codes)

Bank NamePostal CodeCitySwift
Agricultural Bank Of China Seoul Branch 100-768 Seoul ABOCKRSEXXX
Aia International, Korea Branch - Seoul AIKRKRS1XXX
Ang Investment Trust Management Company - Seoul AITMKRS1XXX
Audi Volkswagen Korea Ltd. - Seoul AUVKKRS1XXX
Australia And New Zealand Banking Group Limited - Seoul ANZBKRSXXXX
Bank Mellat, Seoul Branch 135-280 Seoul BKMTKRS1XXX
Bank Of America, N.A. Pusan 600 011 Pusan BOFAKR2102P
Bank Of America, N.A. Seoul Branch 100 768 Seoul BOFAKR2XXXX
Bank Of China Seoul Branch - Incheon BKCHKRSEICN
Bank Of China Seoul Branch - Seoul BKCHKRSEGRO
Bank Of China Seoul Branch - Seoul BKCHKRSEGUR
Bank Of China Seoul Branch 110-752 Seoul BKCHKRSEXXX
Bank Of China Seoul Branch - Ansan BKCHKRSEANS
Bank Of China Seoul Branch 703-802 Daegu BKCHKRSEDAE
Bank Of Communications Co. Ltd Seoul Branch 100-782 Seoul COMMKRSEXXX
Bank Of Communications Co. Ltd Seoul Branch - Seoul COMMKRSE888
Bank Of Korea 100-794 Seoul BOKRKRSTXXX
Bank Of Korea, The 100 794 Seoul BOKRKRSEXXX
Bank Of Nova Scotia, The, Seoul Branch 110 715 Seoul NOSCKRSEXXX
Bankers Trust International 100-070 Seoul BKTIKRS1XXX
Barclays De Zoete Wedd Securities Ltd. 110-714 Seoul BZWSKRS1XXX
Baro Investment Securities 135-913 Seoul BRIUKRS1XXX
Bat Korea Manufacturing Ltd 664-942 Sacheon-Si BATSKR21XXX
Bnp Paribas Securities Korea Co., Ltd. 100-767 Seoul BPPSKRS1XXX
Bnp Paribas Seoul Branch 04631 Seoul BNPAKRSEXXX
Bookook Securities Co Ltd 150 010 Seoul BOOSKRS1XXX
British American Tobacco Korea 135-984 Seoul BATSKRS1XXX
Busan Bank - Busan PUSBKR2PXXX
Busan Bank 100 191 Seoul PUSBKR2PSEL
Busan Bank 100 191 Seoul PUSBKR2PINT
Bzw Securities Ltd. 110 714 Seoul BZSEKRS1XXX
Cgs-Cimb Securities (Hong Kong) Limited, Korea Branch 03185 Seoul CSKRKRS1XXX
Cheil Worldwide, Inc 140-739 Seoul CIWWKRSEXXX
China Construction Bank Seoul Branch 04538 Seoul PCBCKRSEXXX
China Everbright Bank Seoul Branch - Seoul EVERKRSEXXX
Cho Hung Securities Corporation 100021 Seoul CHHEKRS1XXX
Citibank Korea Inc 4521 Seoul CITIKRSXKBA
Citibank Korea Inc 04521 Seoul CITIKRSXXXX
Citibank Korea Inc 100-180 Seoul CITIKRSXWLS
Citibank Korea Inc 04521 Seoul CITIKRSXKAK
Citigroup Global Markets Korea Securities Limited - Seoul KBSSKRS1XXX
Cj Cheiljedang Corporation 04560 Seoul CJCCKRSSXXX
Clsa Securities Korea Ltd. 110 061 Seoul CLSAKRS1XXX
Construction Guarantee Cooperative 135-701 Seoul KCGCKRSEXXX
Corvus Co., Ltd. 04505 Seoul CRUVKRS1XXX
Credit Agricole Cib 110 714 Seoul CRLYKRSEXXX
Credit Suisse Ag, Seoul Branch 100-755 Seoul CRESKRSEXXX
Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited, Seoul Branch 100-755 Seoul CSFBKRSEXXX
Dae Han Securities Co Ltd 150 010 Seoul DAHUKRS1XXX
Bank NamePostal CodeCitySwift
Showing 1 to 50 of 276 entries